Tuesday 26 September 2017

10 Cloverfield Lane

  • Film: 10 Cloverfield Lane
  • Year: 2016
  • Director: Dan Trachtenburg
  • Country: United States of America
  • Runtime: 104 minutes
  • Genre: Psychological Thriller, Science Fiction

This was a film I watched sometime in June last year by myself, due to the fact that none of my friends or colleagues didn't know anything about the movie, and was not enticed by the trailer as I was. I usually do not enjoy films alone, but I had to make an exception knowing that I would regret missing the chance to see this on the big screen. By the end of the year, I was easily able to say this film topped many others I have seen during 2016.

If you have not noticed from the title, this film was made as a spin-off or successor to the film Cloverfield (2008), which I definitely enjoyed as well. However, it definitely can be watched its own without understanding the context of Cloverfield.

The plot follows a young woman, Michelle, who is knocked unconscious from a car crash but wakes up locked inside an underground bunker, supposedly saved by a man, John, who found her knocked out and injured on the road. In the bunker, she meets another injured man, Emmet, who joined them by choice. The film proceeds to shift back and forth between attempting to form trust between the three members and intense suspense and suspicion of each other, by keeping the characters as well as the audience in the dark about the truth of why they are locked in the bunker.

I think that the actors did a fantastic job with keeping a sense of fear and tension throughout the whole movie until the answers were revealed, it definitely kept my heart racing for the full runtime. The ending was slightly disappointing and in my opinion probably only necessary to reference the connection to Cloverfield through (SPOILER) the alien appearances.

This is a film I would definitely recommend to others unless they really don't like horror or thriller films.

My personal rating: 9/10

Thanks for reading~


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