Wednesday 18 October 2017

The Martian

  • Film: The Martian
  • Year: 2015
  • Director: Ridley Scott
  • Country: USA
  • Runtime: 141 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Sci-fi

The journey of trying to survive on Mars on a diet of potatoes with no ketchup. The Martian was a great success when it was released but I personally never understood why. I really did not like the movie.

The story follows Matt Damon playing as Mark Whatney who is stranded on Mars from being separated from his team due to a violent storm. As we are shown the comedic struggles of his life on Mars trying to grow food and survive, it is juxtaposed with the NASA holding a funeral for him, and his crew facing a moral dilemma in regards to attempting to save him, and going directly against orders from NASA and endangering everyone's lives in the attempt.

I don't think there was anything wrong with the movie. It had a solid plot which was based on a vast amount of research and collaboration from NASA in attempt to depict the most accurate account of events that could possibly happen. I personally enjoyed Interstellar a lot more, although it has its own flaws, the main difference to me was that it was much more emotionally engaging, whereas the attempts at humour in The Martian was really lacklustre to me.

Ridley Scott may have disappointed me in 2015, but I sure hope that Blade Runner 2049 will make me reconsider his works.

My personal rating: 3/10

Thanks for reading~


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